Peter Novak writes in The Division of Consciousness, "Half the world believes in Judeo-Christian-Muslim heaven-or-hell scenario, an hereafter containing a ruling followed by an unceasing price or punishment, while the otherwise half believes in the Hindu-Buddhist-Taoist avatar scenario, in which people are incessantly converted into new bodies, indefinitely forgetting their onetime lives and identities."
Having processed cardinal Past Lives through with spellbinding fixation next to a Certified Past Life therapist, I will warfare the demand that, "we indefinitely bury our Past Lives." As a effect of doing the fixation work, I am now alert that several aspects of my erstwhile lives filtered into my alert cognition establishment at age iii. However, I at full tilt cultured from my mother's admonishment, "Now, Dorothy don't get carried way," that conversation something like my memories of 'previous' experiences was unmentionable. Two of my Past Lives have been in writing almost far and wide. There have also been respective recovered recognizable last natural life memories, which have been published-Across Time and Space, Jenny Cockell, Looking for Carol Beckworth, Commander Robert Snow, Thomas Andrews Voyage Into History: Titanic Secrets Revealed Thru The Eyes of Her Builder, William Barnes, The Return of the Revolutionaries, Walter Semkiw, Somebody Else's Yesterday, Jeffrey Keene, Marilyn Monroe Returns-The Healing of a Soul, Adrian Finklestein, MD.